Saturday, January 1, 2011

A kind letter to people I don't know

Dear Fellow Gymgoers,

Welcome back to the new year at (our local gym). It's nice to see you back. I've been going to this gym (as well as visiting several other branches in the franchise) and have a few things that I would like to share with you. I am sure that these suggestions (I use that term loosely, I consider them requirements) can help us both (or just me) have much happier gym visits. To wit:

1) The changing room is for changing. It is not for sitting around and talking. It is not for exercising your children. It is not for spreading out every item you own and taking up all available space. It is not for sitting there for 20 minutes while people try and get past you in the narrow aisles and never even bothering to say excuse me. Changing. Taking clothes off, putting clothes on, and the swift and efficient application of moisturizers, deodorants and powders. Possibly some towelling.

2) There are 2 (two!) towel bins in the changing room. You are never more than about ten steps from a towel bin. PUT YOUR USED TOWELS IN THE TOWEL BIN. This is where they belong for the ease of the employees and the hygiene and convenience of EVERYONE ELSE IN THE GYM. Places towels do not belong: on machines you are not using, on the floor of the shower, strewn liberally across the benches in the changing room, on the changing room floor, stuffed in un used lockers. Your towel that you used is your mess and YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CLEAN UP. Were you raised in a BARN people?! The employees have to put up with a lot of stuff and touching your dirty, damp towels is not something they should have to do. It is not something that I should have to do just to use a bench!

3) Machines are for exercising on. I know that they are sometimes shaped to cunningly resemble chairs, but I assure you, they are not meant for the primary purposes of sitting on your keister and watching the big screen TV's. You can watch the TVs, but you must be moving while you are doing so, or at least be taking VERY SHORT (20 minutes does not count) rest between reps. 

4) Machines are for exercising on, NOT ABUSING. Do not pogo jump on the treadmill. So not drop the weights on the weight machines so hard they crack or break the little stick thing that I'm sure there's a name for. OTHER PEOPLE ARE USING THAT and would like for it to work properly, thank you. 

I am sure that if you will follow those rules and, most importantly, stay out of my way, that we will all get along hunky dory. 

Much love (or not),

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